So I started on some more black and whites. Before I made a set with charcoal--and they were meh, so I decided to replace my charcoal style with my pen style because I think I'm better with the pen. I made these two off of a sea monster idea I had in my sketchbook. Thing is, after I finished I realized that both my camera and the forty dollar scanner we bought three years ago isn't really that great for reproduction. Kind of a bummer. So these doesn't look nearly as nice as the horse chick I did at the Y. However, I'll take it as an opportunity to improvise with photoshop.
Here's two from the scan.

and here's two from the camera. I decided to add some tone to boost the poor quality of the shot.

Its funny how one benifited more from the scan, and the other benifited more from the scan. O well. At least its something to show for my time. Besides, I'll get a camara soon enough to get these to a professional quality of reproduction.
Another thing, acclimating is taking me forever. I swear I'm still sleeping 11 hours a day and I can't help it.
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