So what this is will take some explaining, becuase I didn't get what it was at first. It's called a QSL Card, and its a post-card that people who use Ham Radio order and collect. Whenever you reach another person on the Ham Radio, you send a card to them and they send a card back. Whoever gets the most win prizes. Generally, there isn't a whole lot on the QSL card, just the State your from (usaully a picture with the state flag or a b+W clip art of the shape of california on it) with the info about the Grid (CM87xg) and the Ham's caller ID (AD6ZH) and a graph that you fill out on the way.
So I branched out from the traditional Ham Style by stuffing some Bay Area feeling into it, and was shunned by a scanner that made the colors I painted come out sort of funky. I photoshopped the color back but it isn't in a place that I enjoy. I've stuffed local businesses into the background, including Google, Intel, Pixar, and one of the many missions we've got sprouting along the coast. As well, I made their graph they fill out into a computer chip to symbolize Silicon Valley, which isn't as legible as I hoped it would be. Not only that, but every Ham radio operater likes antenneas that are as tall as they can legally strap onto their cars, so the car pictured is Hammed out, in a way that really wouldn't fit through the bridge if you look at the dimensions of the picture. O well.
I stuck a Great White shark in it for good measure. Because we have a lot of those.
i miss rachel :(....come back to provo!
Rachel, this is really good. It looks all professional and everything. You've got a lot of good stuff updated since I checked it out last. I guess that's what happens when you don't have class, and you can stop and breath. Anyway, good job, keep in touch.
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