So I toned it and it managed not to fall over on me. hooray! This took some blue tape that I can't actually tape myself because I'm too short. I toned it and it turned out super dark, which is what happens with latex paint, I guess. (it was a really thin coat, too. The stuff doesn't thin out at all, it's going to be a beast) and I pulled out the projecter and got this.
I'm going to definately change the posture of the stiff couple on the right. They're very straight up and down, especially because her hips are blocked by that sleeve, giving the impression that she's a square, and he's on his tippy toes and I'm not sure why, but the rest of it came out way better than expected.
Something I learned: black charcoal goes on housepaint and really rough canvas like drawing on paper! It's feels very natural. It just doesn't smear the same way, which is fine. It also deosn't really erase which is what happened to that dudes face.
Also, This is the first time I got to draw a figure bigger than about a foot and a half tall--those guys are four feet--yes! It is better drawing bigger. I want to do all my illustrations like this now.
wooooooooow! that looks so great! what is the mural for? i think i would cry if i had to paint something that big!
looking awesome, rach. i want to see more pictures!
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