Todays This-Is-Not-A-Craft (better known as "leci n'est pas une Craft")I learned from my roomate a few years back, the Cranky Kleptomaniac. And no that is not her username, she really was a klepto potty mouth and this was about the only usefull thing she offered to my life and well being (other things she offered include how to swear like a banshee over the phone to the landlord, not doing the dishes for three weeks out of spite to the landlord, and crochet)
you start out with these glass baulbes that I know every child within the United States collects, trades, and swallows by accident. They sell them next to the plant section at Micheals, and the bigger you can get them, the better the pic comes out. I avoid the irridescent ones. Only because i think it's kind of tacky.
I don't like things that make me use their images when I can do a better personalized job myself. So I printed out my angry penguin. He's super simple because this thing is 1/2 in . My Cranky Klepto used photographs when she did this and it came out absolutely terrible. It was too much detail in a bauble that distorts the picture anyway.

and that is the finished TINAC Now ready to be either glued onto buttons, books, bags, and sent to all the neices and nephews so that I can be remembered as the 'fun aunt,' which has become increasingly important to me as they have gotten older and more picky.
Could make cute magnets. Do I know who the Cranky Klepto is?
LOL, yes you do, and don't worry it's not you.
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