Today's TINAC for Sidetrack Saturday is probably one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. It's called, and be ready for this:
Pies Baked in Tiny Jars.
I love Pies. I love tiny things. I love tiny things in Jars that you can give to other people. I also happen to love portion control. Why did it take so long for someone to figure this out?
Anyways, here's a picture of it after it's cooked and un-jarred.
Pies Baked in Tiny Jars.
I love Pies. I love tiny things. I love tiny things in Jars that you can give to other people. I also happen to love portion control. Why did it take so long for someone to figure this out?
Anyways, here's a picture of it after it's cooked and un-jarred.

The picture and idea are thanks to and her wonderful camera skills. And here is the link to the Tiny Pies in the Tiny Jars. (
I want to try this out, but my whole family is on a serious diet and my Mother is seriously doubtful about these because she is a pie purist. But it worked for NotMartha, it should work for everyone else. I also have to find a Mason Jar with the right lip, and my Mom is also a canning purist, so all of our lips don't work for this. One day. One day I'll have my tiny pie in my tiny jar.
oooooh, i think i will make one, eat it all for myself, and then tell you how amazing it was :D
Also, I'm moving to a new place, so if you will take a $5 + shipping expenses commission (haha, but for real...) I could use some fairly large wall art. Here are my room themes
Bedroom: blues & greens, leafs, calm
Living Room: dark red, dark wood, giraffe, yellow/red bamboo rug, bold
Think about it... :)
5$! that's your highest bid yet, that's like 2000% higher than your ordinary bid of .25 cents!
YUM!!!!! i want one right this very second.
I was gonna say, "Where was the invite to come eat your pies?!" But then I read your post, but when you do make them, I better get an invite! :) I love cherry pie!
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