Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So I decided that in order to have more "joy in the journey" I should take photo's every day. Cuz, while starting an art career is really hard, truly, it is mostly really boring, very truly boring. It's a lot of waiting. But I don't really believe in waiting for life to start, so, since this is a blend of personal blog and art blog (my porftolio being totally seperate) here's some photos.

(not to mention that art is pretty ugly until its final stages, and I'm tired of posting ugly art for a while. So this is for the meantime.)

I decided to start with my home town, Saratoga. We live in a forest, although surrounded by cities. I think people are surprised to find out that, although I'm from the heart of city-dense Silicon Valley, I'm actually from a city that pretends to be a small town for tourists.

and if you closely you can see vineyards! Still hanging around and I honestly don't know how, but they're pretty.

I started taking pictures and realized cute things about my boring town.

I love this sign because the kid wrote it in not only bad english, but also bad Chinese, and even tried to replicate the logo. I have no idea what '88' stands for. but kids are funny.

this is the bakery where I discovered Jones Soda when I was 11 years old

and it closed down! In fact, all of the businesses in my downtown that were really...rediculous and I never understood why they were in business are closed now, including the grocery that only sold expired food and the really ugly antique plate store.

We discovered our kitty wants to be a vegetarian. But we still love her. We had to build a special cage unit to keep her from eating our seedling tomatoes.

but she devoured my tulips I bought at farmers market.

1 comment:

sweetheart bitterheart said...

I love the pics!! Good old Toga.. can't wait to get back there in month&1/2! Oh, and your kitty, Mr. Kitty, looks beautiful as always. I love her.

ps- thanks for the well wishes on my blog :) sorry we keep missing each others calls.. maybe I'll have to tell you the whole story in person when I come home!